I Love Blues Guitar

Johnny Winter – Illustrated Man

Johnny Winter

Johnny Winter was one of the most recognizable blues guitarists combining British blues-rock with American southern rock. He was nominated for the Grammy award many times, but he never received them for his own music. However, he was distinguished three times for his Muddy Waters albums.

“When I was 12, I understood that I would be a musician – Winter recalled – blues is associated with a huge dose of emotions and feelings. If you do not feel it, you will not be able to play blues well”.

“I hope that I will be remembered as a good blues musician.”

This is a special Johnny Winter animated video release honoring the world’s greatest and most influential blues/rock guitarist!

CG Artists : Laurent Mercier & Marius Legrand.
Assistant Production Anaelle Mercier
Executive Producer Paul Nelson
Animated video produced by callicore

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