I Love Blues Guitar

3 Tricks for Slide Guitar

In this video Jake Shane teach 3 slide tricks and techniques:
– fretting behind the slide,
– slide harmonics, and
– harmonics behind the slide.
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Slide Guitar

The slide or bottleneck is a guitar technique in which a note is played, and then the finger is slid to another fret, up or down the fretboard. This technique is used to produce evocative, teary, melancholic, or squeaky sounds. The term slide is used in reference to the gesture of sliding on the strings, while bottleneck refers to the original material used in these slides, which was the neck of glass bottles.

Hawaiian, country or blues musicians slide a metal tube down the strings, which can be seen on the finger of some guitarists when they play, although originally rings, knives or even the neck of a bottle were used. This technique is common on steel guitars.

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