I Love Blues Guitar

Titanium Guitar Picks

The material of which usually are made guitar picks are plastics. These types of guitar picks are the most popular.

You can also find the picks made from different varieties of wood, mostly exotic. They are usually extraordinarily beautiful due to the original wood grain pattern.

Other natural materials for picks are a horn or leather.

Picks can be made also from metals: stainless steel, aluminum or bronze . Unusual are the picks cut from coins. By the way it is not a typical way to increase the value of money.

What other kind of material could make a guitar picks?

I’m sure you’ve heard of an element such as titanium.

With what you associate it?

If something lightweight and durable that you’re right. Imagine that this metal is only 60% heavier than aluminum and has a strength similar to steel from which it is 45 % lighter. Titanium can be compared to platinum in terms of corrosion resistance. It is resistant against diluted acids, alkali and sea water.

On the kickstarter just appeared new titanium picks project.

Tone Max Premium Titanium Guitar Picks

This titanium picks are designed by Randy Baechle, who contacted us via facebook .

“My first product Combines my love of Great Tone , Style and Titanium.” – Randy says.

Titanium used for picks have very specific advantages for instrumentalists:

“The playability of these picks are awesome. Because of the Great grip and lightweight you are able to loosen your hand tension and have much more of a fluid motion while you play. When you play with a relaxed hand you have much more dexterity and control picking.Your of your speed and control will Increase as you become less tense.These picks sound Great for Lead, Rhythm and hybrid picking . These picks create a nice rich sounding tone. They sound great on any stringed instrument Including the Electric and Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin and Ukulele.”

Randy plans to launch a series of these picks in a classic and jazz style. The pictures of the prototype shows that they are all great:


The beauty of this project lies also in the fact that even if you do not plan to use the picks to play an instrument, they can become part of your jewelry .

“These picks have a hole towards the top so they can be used as earrings, necklaces, or even put on a key chain. If you put it on a key chain you will never be without a pick.”

Titanium is becoming increasingly popular in jewelry, although until recently, it was thought to be metal too hard and difficult to tooling .

Who knows, maybe with the help of titanium picks you will be able to play such a riff  ;-)

Mind blowing guitar skills!

Personally, I think this is an interesting project that is worth supporting .

Here you find more information: Tone Max Premium Titanium Guitar Picks

Click here to support the project on Kickstarter!

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