Lead guitar possibilities over an E blues progression, created for people who are looking for beginner blues guitar lesson. We talking about E dominant seven, A seven and a B seven. This people call open position blues, because a lot of licks we will be playing include open strings. For each chord I give you blues lick you can go with it.
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A quick tour of the lead guitar possibilities found in the blues scale. In this lesson, I break down this “open position” scale, and demonstrate three useful licks in the styles of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, and Muddy Waters. In my next video, we will branch out into the pentatonic extension, before finally discovering “B.B’s Box”, keep checking back!
Beginner blues guitar lesson video materials available on youtube are a great source of knowledge and inspiration for people who are starting their adventure with playing the guitar.
It is also worth referring to paper textbooks, which often organize our knowledge and help to learn in a systematic way.
Here are some textbook suggestions that are worth getting interested in:
Progressive Beginner Blues Guitar
For Beginners. Specifically designed for students who wish to play Blues guitar, either in a group or for fun. The emphasis is on making music immediately. Covers the essentials of both rhythm and lead playing and contains lots of great sounding licks and solos. (80 pages) by Peter Gelling. Learn more…

Introduction to Blues Guitar
The Introduction to Blues Guitar Book by Peter Vogl is a beginning to intermediate course that will teach you the essential concepts of rhythm and soloing for blues guitar. We’ll start by learning chords and strum patterns to play over several distinct rhythms and progressions (slow, shuffle, swing, minor). Peter will also cover the 12-bar blues form and show you a series of turnarounds. From there, we’ll move on to soloing in the key of E before moving on to other keys. You’ll learn how to play, understand, and use a series of scales. Finally, Peter will provide detailed instruction on playing 7 different beginner solos. Each of the solos will show you how to add techniques and phrasing to your lead playing. This course also includes online access to video lessons and audio jam tracks so you can practice each exercise, song, and solo in context. Watch & Learn, Inc. Learn more…

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